Monday, August 01, 2005

Dear Diary,

I can't believe it's already August. I mean this whole past month passed fater than a fart in the wind. Wewee! And it was a hot one too! I'll be so much of a gladder person when it starts to get cooler outside. Guess what Diary? My brother called me today (you know, the one that is the uglier version of me?) and told me about some contest that a local radio station is putting on. Supposedly you can win some money and other great suff if you can come up with the best idea for a web-site. I'm thinking about writing them and telling them my idea for the "virtual bar" site. You know the one I told you about where you can go to and sit down at a fake bar (strippers are optional) and drink fake drinks while talking to your fake friends? I think it would be a winner. Oh! I almost forgot! I found out today that I really am stupid. Confirmation of a suspicion of mine. I'm pretty tired right now...I'm going to the bed. Good-bye!

P.s. - Go check out this sweet band called Story of the Year! You'll like 'em I know you will.


Mood - tired and a little depressed
Song - no music tonight
Good thing - nothing comes to mind