Sunday, April 10, 2005

Long time no post.

I can't believe I have ignored my posting inhibitions for so long now. To tell you the truth, I just bought a new motorcycle like 3 weeks ago and have been spending alot of my time riding it instead of in here on the computer like I usually am. In case your wondering I bought a Yamaha V-Star 1100cc. Ya, it's a pretty sweet bike.

Alot of things have been changing in my life lately, alot of things. Some for the good, some for the bad. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by change. I seem to be the type of person that wants and tries to adapt to every little situation. Matter of fact that is something that I sometimes pride myself in having the ability. But so many things have changed in my life that it seems that it is becoming so hard to adapt. So hard to keep up. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and give up completely, other times I want to stick it out for the long haul. This is torture.

Has thier ever been a point in your life where you were so deppressed or felt like you were so alone that you had to find something that brought you at least a little comfort? I'm not sure if I am deppressed or just plane lonely, but lately it seem like I have been trying so hard to find something that will bring me happiness, something that will fill the void that I so often feel. It seems like there is something lacking in my life right now. Kinda like the first couple of months after I moved out of my parents house. I know most people might not feel this way, but I felt so alone, like I was gone from "home" forever and that there was not turning back. It seems that lately I have been feeling more and more that way, life a big empty space in my life that I do not know how to fill.

Well, anyhow, enough with boring stuff. I hope you like the background music I picked out. It kinda means something to me, hope it inspires you just a little.

Until next time....


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