Friday, July 29, 2005

Dear Diary,

I had BO at work yesterday it was awful! It was so humid and I kept smelling this stinkyness all day...well come to find out it was my pits. How embarassing! I've decided that I like that show called "Made" on MTV. I know you can't watch TV Diary but don't worry, im pretty sure that I can like it enough for the both of us. I accually cried when I watched it today. It was about this bitchy chick named Brittney who was made into the prom queen. She ended up not being such a bitch after all, so don't you worry, it was a happy ending. Did I ever tell you about that time I ate that canned fake-cheese? Well I won't go into it but I just now thought about it and it was totally gross. I totally wish that you could give me a pat on the back tonight, cuz it's a friday night and I'm at home all alone. Oh's not every night that you can walk around the house naked right? It was so funny, earlier I was out on my porch and someone had left a half-full glass of Dr. Pepper out there. Well let's just say that the flies hoaned in on it! But the funny part is that I trapped them in the glass and they fell into the DP and started drowning, made me laugh. Well I'm gonna go take a crap and then sit on my roomates bed...naked. Peace out Diary.

PS - I hate kankles.

Ya bro,


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