Friday, June 03, 2005

Been a long time comin...

I know, I know. It seems that everytime I post something on this blog I always seem to say something to the affect of "Wow! It's been so long since I have posted something!" or the infamous "So much has changed since I last posted!". Well, all that is crap. I mean it's not like those things have not taken place it's just that I am tired of saying crap like that.

Well let's see. Since the last time I posted I have moved into a different house. Now I am living in Tyler with a good friend. Acually a godd frined's brother to be exact. It's pretty cool having a roomie, and a roomie that's someone other than my brother. So far things have been going pretty good. Yes, we have gone to a couple of parties (at one party one girl even welcomed me by showing me her bosom twins, but thats another story). And since my new roomie has a motorcycle too I now have someone to ride around with and stir up trouble with.

Everything else is pretty much the same other that the sudden lack of laziness when it comes to keeping up with my websites, and the sudden increase in responsibility in other areas of my life. I am getting alot better on my guitar and are even having aspirations of stating my own bad although the lack of other band members at the moment are kinda puting that on hold.

Well...I got to run over to my parents house. Catch later. Holla!


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